Ted Moen
Two cohorts, my friend and me closer than peacetime lovers could ever hope to be Tumbled together from the helicopter To cross the soft, muddy rice paddies and climb the steep, climate hardened dikes in the heat of the mid-day Delta sun Unopposed We stumbled onto a field of sugar cane 'n celebrating our lucky day we relaxed (just a second or two) to enjoy our sweet, our unexpected treat The unanticipated click echoed in my ear signaling a sick feeling deep inside the wave of noise engulfed us both trapped, I helplessly watched my cohort explode Bits and pieces of flesh and juices splattering hot against my unprotected cheek Two eyes begging me 'hold my hand just a moment, please, 'n tell my mom I never ment anyone any harm' Two eyes pleading as he started to sink and settle into the warm Delta slime I had to let him go and attack the core of the ambush So I did as I had to do I let him go, or so I thought and I charged and I survived and I promised myself from that time on to pay very close attention I kept my promise (I keep it yet) and on my three hundred and sixty-sixth warm sunny Delta day they, they who keep track of such things they sent me home with his remains my unexpected treat
Copyright © 1998 Ted Moen All Rights Reserved
Added 3/10/98